
My internet, oh how it is lacking to me.  Vous me manquez, aussi.  And my high school French serves me poorly, again.

Any.  Way.  Things of note:

* Old man cat love – so fab.  Thanks, y’all, is what I really mean.  He was a sweet old man and his passing was as good as it could have been:  in front of the fire, a parent from school with her vet’s bag of tricks and her children playing in the next room, visits from my mom and cho-girl before hand and my good roommate to hold off the vein so I could sit by his head.  We buried him in the side yard by the acusa dogwood.  And by we, I mean the gf and the good roommate did the digging and I said encouraging things.

* I’ve been trying to catch up on my internet people and, lord y’all, it’s hard.  There are a lot of you and you’re all so interesting.  But in doing so, I came across the blog of a RL friend who is taking a motorcycle trip through mf-ing Central and South America.  God damn. I mean, for real.

* No insems this month (ahhh, I LOVE saying month, not “cycle”).  It’s been over a year since I had a cycle without prog and I wonder how long this one will be.  I’m not off the horse, not by a long shot but a break sure is nice.

*I get to hang out with LB for the second time this week!  Go me!

* The gf is making kimchi jjigae.  And in other Korean food news, she brought galbi tang to school for my lunch yesterday and end stayed to have lunch with cho-girl and me and our tiny lunch companions.  My boss had brought me some of the best french fries in the world and two pickles plus there was left over guacamole that my intern (I have an intern!) had helped the children make, so we divided everything up and had a very multi-cultural feast.  Let’s have a show of hands from those of us who eat their french fries with chopsticks.  And log your lunch.  More pics from Cali of mama and baby lunches when I get back onto my computer.

End times

My stripey old man cat is almost at the end of his long decline. May he have a a smooth passage and a place forever in the sun of my memory. He is 18 and some. A long enough life for a good cat.


By way of cho-girl, who never blogs anymore (Shit.  Who am  I to talk?) but somehow still has her finger on the pulse of the internets.

And, yes.  I know you’ve all seen it already.  But look!  Two posts for one on a Thursday!



Turkey and Swiss on wheat with sugar free grape jam and wasabi mayo.

Best pot pie ever.

Sad to say, neither of these was my lunch today.  I had and apple, some free cheese, left over rice plain rice cakes and  – mmmm – coffee.

I do love y’all for logging your lunches.  I really, really do.

PS.  Anyone want to take over blogging for me when it involves pictures?  WordPress kicks my ass.

Paved with

Can you believe how lame I am? Nothing for days.


Also? It snowed. Again. Lord.

Just for fun, log your lunch. If you’re good, I’ll post a beautiful picture of Cali’s pretty lunch from the other day. Yes, she sends me pictures of food. Yes, you should be jealous. No, I cannot figure out how to make links on this tiny handheld thingy.


I missed yesterday. Fail.

Anyway. It snowed. And there’s no school tomorrow. And we are drinking and tv-ing at the neighbors’. Again.

not fail

Watching a movie at the neighbors. NOT failing at nablopothingy. Not. Failing.

dispatch from next door

Entertaining things – two – about the neighbors:

  1. They have a “day bar.”
  2. Said day bar has monthly themes.  This month features scotch.


Here I am.  Just back from …. birth class.  No, no.  I’m not knocked up.  I’m taking it for my doula certification.  You’ll remember, you old timers, you, that I took a weekend long doula training class.  And it was great.  And birth work is great, what I can do of it – teaching sort of gets in the way of being on call for births.  Having taken the training, but not completed the certification process, I can attend births, but I cannot claim to be a “certified” doula.  To be certified, I have to write up six births I’ve attended and take a birth education class, in addition to other things I’ve already done.  Well, a friend is offering a free birth education class, so I figured I’d take it and be all the closer to certified.

And it’s great.  Yep.  Great.  Full of interesting information and well balanced with regards to intervention-heavy vs. intervention-free birth.

And it’s hard to sit through – writing a birth plan or visualizing my cervix opening like a flower seems rather akin to prodding an almost healed puncture wound with a chopstick.

And it’s straight.  Yes, friends, you’d think I’d know at this point that coupled, straight people have babies and most of them have no real, true idea that I exist.  Nobody’s mean, or hateful, or anything like that.  It’s simply as if they have *no idea* single mothers, or lesbians, or any other differently familed people might be giving birth, too.

day two

Yes, I am 2 for 2.

See, the issue with blogging, and my internet life in general, has been a hardware issue.  There seems to be something wrong with the antenna in my laptop and I can only pick up a wireless signal if I sit right by a router.  And the router I make use of is in my neighbors’ study.  So I am not so much on line these days.  Or, rather, I’m on line with my tiny handheld thing, which is great – wow, is it great – but not so conducive to typing anything longer than 3 characters.  Oh, the excuses.

I just *know* you’ve missed hearing  the quotidian details of my life.  Yes, you’ve been crying until your eyes bleed, hitting refresh over and over again these many months, waiting, in vain, it seemed, for a post with more to it than what I ate for lunch.

Poor you!  So let’s play catch up!  Oh boy!  Here’s the list version, which is, as you may know, my favorite version. Let’s all agree that this is not an exhaustive list, ‘kay?

  1. Work.  School is great.  As in, really, really fucking great.  I have an amazing class, an amazing assistant, an amazing intern (An intern?  Me?!  I feel so legit.) and we are collectively doing amazing things like all wearing underpants and usually keeping them clean and dry!  Woo and hoo!
  2. The snow.  JFC, the snow.  And there’s more coming?  I heart snow days.
  3. Infertility.  It bites.  And it’s close companion, lack of funds, also bites.  Still slogging along, though.  Don’t despair.  Mostly I don’t.  Mostly.
  4. Affianced.  Oh, quit laughing.  I still have all sorts of issues with the institution itself, but, weirdly, I really want to do it.  More on this later.
  5. Housing.  I have, for the first time ever, asked a roommate to move out.  It kind of sucks.  Not the roommate, although he’s not ideal, but the asking.  Conflict avoidant is the appropriate self-help-y terms, I think.
  6. Food.  My old CSA stopped being a CSA.  They only do wine now.  Which is great, but, y’all, I want food, too.  So now I have a new CSA.    Also, The chicken are laying 2 or 3 eggs a day now.
  7. Lunch, natch.  Left over spicy beef thingy from the hot new Chinese place.  Woo!  Hot!

Wasn’t that the most gripping news you’ve heard all day?  Now, tell me your lunch.