
I am currently waiting for tomorrow’s beta.  And fake-uphostering/slipcovering a chair.
I am taking, in no particular order:

  • pre-natals
  • baby asprin
  • lovenox
  • dexamethazone
  • otc folic acid
  • prescription folate
  • estrodiol
  • prometrium
  • crazy Chinese herbs in tea form

I am feeling a little crampy

I am sleeping for shit and waking a million times a night to pee.  (One of the wonders of infertility is that the various meds one can take do all the things that various hormones would do if one were in the early stages of a “regular” pregnancy, thus producing pregnancy symptoms, regardless if one is knocked up or no.  Fun!)

I am pretty chill, re this cycle working, for no good reason.  Or maybe it is the “steroid euphoria”?  Whatever it is, I’ll take it.

I am doing restorative yoga with props brought over by T of Tuesday Fame.  Props are fun!

I am also doing some little qi gong, as per my acu told  me to.  First and second brocades, if you care about such things.  I sort of love it.  Or maybe that’s the steroid euphoria speaking.

I am getting a prog check with tomorrow’s beta, because if that shit is low, I want to bump it right away.
I am a little tired of my blog template.  Maybe I will fuck with it tomorrow.

Beta in the morning, y’all.  Beta in the motherfucking morning.

hahahaha. ha.


Yes, friends, that’s a doubling time of 77.something hours or a little more than 3 days.  Not great, but not nothing.

Keep breathing.

more stats

And for your continued amusement:

Beta at 9dp5dt is 13.6

Lower than low.  But not not pregnant (all y’all not pregnant people would get a beta of 5 or less).  But really, lower than low.  Lower even than the last time.

Here are some fun facts to keep you busy.  We love Julie.  Because she’s funny and she sites her sources.  Lower betas for 5 day transfers?  For here, please.

More blood on Friday.  Cross ’em if you got ’em.

curses, foiled again

Bad news from the RE today.  There’s been no appreciable growth from last week and my blood work numbers read like shit.  Of particular note, my progesterone is down to some god-awful level like 14, even with the supplements (both oral and vaginal, you’ll remember), which indicates that I’m not making any myself. I’m to stop all prometrium and wait to start bleeding.

The good news, such as it is, is that my hCG never got very high, so it’s very likely that this will “resolve” quickly and with out any interventions, medical or surgical.  Uh, yay.  I guess.

And so there you go.

One miscarriage, for here, please.  Thanks.

so far, so good

As of this afternoon, there is a gestational sac measuring 6 mm by 6 mm in my uterus – just what it should be.  All other things (lining, corpus luteum, placement) look good.  “You get check marks for all of those,”  the RE told me.  He also said “good”  and “prefect” and “great” a couple times.

All this after The Talk, which came before the wanding.  The Talk consists of him expressing his ongoing concern over the beta numbers (yesterday’s was 2800 for those of you playing along at home – which is not so good), his emphasis on the good news being that I actually conceived and his careful insistence that I understand that this is dicey.  He’s still leery of a miscarriage, on account of the slow beta rise, and is particularly worried that the huge tide of Prometrium I’m taking (by mouth *and* by snatch now – woo) would mask it.  So he wants to see me again in a week.

But for the moment, I’m knocked up.

Still breathing.

(as usual, you local kids, this is not public news – even to discuss with me – not yet)